I tried to make a silly faux magazine cover that any of the primary or secondary female teenaged Austen characters might subscribe—except maybe Mary Bennet. Oh, the things you can do with a single social media prompt, an iPhone, Canva app, and nothing to watch on NetFlix at 9 pm at night. Enjoy! And hope you all are well.

Thank you, Joana. If I ever decide to make these an online magazine, I’m coming to you for a guest feature post:) XO
I absolutely adore your magazine covers!!!! Wish I could read the magazine as well! A healthful bloom & feminine bounty :D Nice!
What about: Win a date with... ; A quiz on ... ; Lord Byron, an intimate look, or behind closed doors, or behind the scenes; the hottest decor for your come-out ball; does dropping the handkerchief still get his attention?; the cutest outfits for the bathing machine
I must have missed the mark entirely because that is what I was going for...as the current teen magazines I was looking at were all about fashion, boyfriend advice, rock stars, actors/actresses, and how to get rid of Acne. Le sigh...
Christina, these are so good! Very amusing! I hope that you will continue.
With the post titled "What Every Regency Teen Girl is Reading", I was kinda expecting something along the lines of 'Tiger Beat'. I don't suppose that you could make one of those?